19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

The Purpose Of Occupy Wall Street Is To Occupy Wall Street (Demo)

Michael Moore’s article appearing in the April 2, 2012 issue of The Nation argues that the Occupy Wall Street movement action struck a raw nerve, sending a shock wave throughout the United States, because what these kids were doing was what tens of millions of people wished they could do. The people who have lost their jobs, their homes, their “American dream”—they cathartically cheered on this ragtag bunch who got right in the face of Wall Street and said, “We’re not leaving until you give us our country back!”

Unfortunately, the protest and anger expressed has gone nowhere, except for calling attention to those paying attention to the economic and social injustices that continue to persist! That’s because the movement has not organized to take political action and adopt a concrete policies and programs platform on which leaders can seek elected office.

The source of hope to bring about the necessary change to create a truly participatory democracy, one based on a policy shift to broaden productive capital ownership simultaneously with economic growth, is the technological revolution of the Internet and social media. If we do not rechart this country’s direction, further development of technology and globalization will undermine the American middle class and make it impossible for more than a minority of citizens to achieve middle-class status. The working class will be further dissipated and the poor will bccome poorer.

While Americans believe in political democracy, political democracy will not work without a property-based free market system of economic democracy. The system is the problem, but it can and must be overhauled. The two prerequisites are political power, which is the power to make, interpret, administer, and enforce laws, and economic power, the power to produce products and services, whether through labor power or productive capital.

Binary economist Louis Kelso wrote: “In the distribution of social power, whether it be political power or economic power, all things are relative. The essence of economic democracy lies in the elimination of differences of earning power resulting from denial of equality of economic opportunity, particularly equal access to capital credit. Differences of economic status resulting from differences in advantages taken and uses made of differences based on inequality of economic opportunity, particularly those that give access to capital credit to the already capitalized and deny it to the non- or -undercapitalized, are flagrant violations of the constitutional rights of citizens in a democracy.”

Abraham Lincoln said that the purpose of government is to do for people what they cannot do for themselves. Government also should serve to keep people from hurting themselves and to restrain man’s greed, which otherwise cannot be self-controlled. Anyone who seeks to own productive power that they cannot or won’t use for consumption are beggaring their neighbor––the equivalency of mass murder––the impact of concentrated capital ownership.

The end result of nstituting policies and programs to broaden private, individual ownership of new productive capital is that citizens would become empowered as owners to meet their own consumption needs and government would become more dependent on economically independent citizens, thus reversing current global trends where all citizens will eventually become dependent for their economic well-being on our only legitimate monopoly –– the State –– and whatever elite controls the coercive powers of government.

What we really need in this 2012 presidential election year is a national discussion on the topic of the importance of capital ownership and how we can expand the base of private capital ownership simultaneously with the creation of new capital formation, with the aim of building long-term financial security for all Americans through accumulating a viable capital estate.

We need a recognition in America that we should deliberately begin to broaden the capital ownership base in a way that is consistent with the laws of property and the Constitutional safeguards of the rights of men and women to own property and be productive.

What needs to be adjusted is the opportunity to produce, not the redistribution of income after it is produced.

The government should acknowledge its obligation to make productive capital ownership economically purchasable by capitalless Americans using capital credit, and, as Kelso states, “substantially assume financial responsibility for the economy through establishing and supervising the implementation of an economic, labor and business policy of democratized economic power.” Historically, capital has been the primary engine of industrialization. But as used, as Kelso has argued, has, as well, “been the chief cause of the institutional deformities that have created and maintained two incompatible classes: the overcapitalized and the undercapitalized.”

The Occupy Wall Street movement has an opportunity to advocate for this Third Way platform, which will result in greater prosperity, opportunity, and economic justice for ALL American citizens.


Comments (1)

From Jerome Peloquin:
Why did Occupy fail to achieve the change they wanted? Because they had no clear vision except moral outrage! Important? … Of course but like intuition, outrage is a good place to start … but a lousy place to finish! Effectively sturm and drag … a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. The Score? The System 1, Occupy, 0, Zip, Nada, Nothing, Fail!

Combine outrage with a pro active program for political and monetary reform, introduce a program that both Ronald Reagan and Walter Reuther could support. Add a comprehensive legislative agenda and program … here is what you have!


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